
This Page Is Intentionally Left Blank

Jul 04, 2023

Books, instruction manuals, and all types of legal documents often include blank pages with a watermark that reads “This page is intentionally left blank.”

This seemingly peculiar practice serves a critical purpose: to alleviate the reader's concern of missing something crucial.

A book with a printing error may cause us to question if we've skipped a vital chapter. Ikea instructions with a mysteriously absent page leaves us concerned, questioning our ability to successfully assemble our new chest of drawers. A company prospectus with a blank page might trigger unease, like we're lacking essential information for making sound financial decisions.

Blank pages breed uncertainty. By explicitly stating that the empty page was deliberate, we provide readers with a sense of certainty and confidence—a reassurance that nothing has been omitted.

The watermark is a reminder that avoiding confusion and uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of effective communication.

Often, we focus on what we have written, meticulously crafting our messages. But like the blank page, confusion also stems from what's been missed.

Common questions you’ve left unanswered, your returns policy or shipping costs.

These "watermarks" are often critical to give your audience clarity and confidence.

Don't leave the page blank.

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