
The Dangerous Pursuit of Efficiency

Dec 27, 2022

If only we could reach the end of our to-do lists, we'd feel calmer, less anxious and more fulfilled.

So we go in search of efficiency.

We download apps to keep us organised. Try to get things done faster. Wake up earlier. Take fewer breaks. Less distractions. More sacrifices.

Now we're getting more done. We're even busier than before.

But we're more stressed too because that to-do list remains unfinished. Of course it is! We’re always adding more to it.

You can’t solve this with efficiency hacks and tricks.

It's time to surrender. Accept that you will never, ever get everything done.

There will always be more things to do than time available to complete them.

Forget efficiency. You need priorities. Focus on doing a few things that really matter.

Release yourself from the dangerous pursuit of efficiency.

Don’t throw out that to-do list.

But please, make it shorter.


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